Strategy: Frameworks

  • We stimulate stakeholder engagement, invite employee input, and drive internal decision-making processes.
  • We structure and frame issue leadership, while recommending community partnership parameters.
  • We build frameworks that drive social issues management and clearly articulate citizenship and employee engagement strategy.

Why it matters

Frameworks articulate, at-a-glance, the essence of an organization’s approach, providing a structure that supports or guides the work at hand.

Once a company’s community priorities are clearly articulated in a strong framework and broadly shared, community requests become more focused; decision-making becomes easier; and the company becomes known, over time, for its community involvement, engagement, and impact.

Likewise, when an organization develops a framework to guide its response to social issues, it can more quickly react to stakeholder demands with a response that is measured and proportionate with its relationship to, and connection with, the issue at hand.

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A strong communications platform is at the heart of community engagement and amplification. Learn more.